Experience for Efficiency

Experience for Efficiency

Name "Experience for Efficiency - Regional Partnership for quality employment services", ID 141973
Programme Operational Programme for Human Resource Development 2007-2013
Timeframe May 2014 – August 2015
Lead Partner CEDS – Center for Education and Social Development
Total budget 7,261,712.96 Romanian Lei

The project "Experience for Efficiency - Regional Partnership for quality employment services", ID 141973, is financed from the European Social Fund, POS-DRU 2007-2013, and represents a partnership between Urbasofia and CEDS (Center for Education and Social Development), Alba Iulia Municipality and the transnational partner Erfap Lazio. It aims to facilitate access to employment in the labor market for persons belonging to vulnerable groups such as the Roma people, institutionalized youth, women and the differently-abled.
The project has the following objectives:
1. Increasing motivation and developing self-esteem for a number of 650 persons belonging to vulnerable groups, assisting them to create confidence in their own strength to overcome physical and psychological obstacles and to improve professional qualifications and experience, by providing special services and social counseling and guidance.
2. Developing and delivering integrated and sustainable measures for employment through the provision of training and requalification programs for individual growth and skill development for 650 people.
3. Raising awareness of the need for social attitude change towards vulnerable groups for a target group of 150 people: staff of public and private providing social services and employment support for vulnerable groups, the local government, as well as Social Inclusion Centers personnel and managers.
4. Reducing social dysfunctions through a comprehensive information campaign on the importance of participation in the training programs for a healthy lifestyle for the total 800 participants of the target groups of the project.
5. Measuring the impact and effectiveness of policies, measures and interventions offered to people at risk of social exclusion through a study graphically illustrating the promoted strategies and policies for areas with strong social polarization.
6. Facilitating access to employment and jobs for at-risk citizens in the areas of project implementation through transnational transfer of good practice from Italian partner Erfap Lazio

Expected Outcomes:
• 650 people will benefit from training / retraining; ANC certifications for a minimum of 550 people;
• 4 workshops and 8 debates - information and awareness events for 150 members of the institutional target group;
• 4 Centers for Social Inclusion in the South-East, South-Muntenia, Bucharest Ilfov and Centre Regions of Romania;
• A study aimed at evaluating the impact and effectiveness of measures and interventions offered support people at risk of social exclusion;
• Four examples of good practice identified relevant to specific regions of implementation;
• Two study visits organized by the transnational partner.

URBASOFIA is involved in all project activities, but particularly brings its expertise into the project by conducting the following:
• Organizing and conducting 4 workshops and 10 debates, as events for informing, dissemination and awareness;
• Conducting the information campaign of the project for the 800 participants of the target groups;
• Conducting a study for the assessment of impact and effectiveness of the support measures and interventions offered in the project to people at risk for social exclusion, through:
1. A Socio-Economic Zonal Plan for the participating regions and areas;
2. A Poster-Plan identifying the areas with high risks for social polarization;
3. An innovative GIS Atlas of the areas witnessing major risk for social exclusion, segregation and social dysfunctions, which will be used as a dynamic and easily updatable tool in order to monitor the social state of the art of the regions.