Salla – an important point for ISTER. An important point for history

One of the significant stations of the Hungarian section of the Roman road defined in the ISTER project is Salla. Located at the intersection of the river Zala and the Amber Road in Zala County, the history of the Zala County section of the Amber Road dates back to pre-Roman times and is still used as a road of international importance, although its significance varied in Roman times. Salla is a typical example of a settlement whose importance has been determined primarily by the trade routes. Salla was thus connected to the network of the Pannonian road by two important roads: the Amber Road and the road running in the Zala Valley.

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One of the significant stations of the Hungarian section of the Roman road defined in the ISTER project is Salla. Located at the intersection of the river Zala and the Amber Road in Zala County, the history of the Zala County section of the Amber Road dates back to pre-Roman times and is still used as a road of international importance, although its significance varied in Roman times. Salla is a typical example of a settlement whose importance has been determined primarily by the trade routes. Salla was thus connected to the network of the Pannonian road by two important roads: the Amber Road and the road running in the Zala Valley.

Historical evidence shows that the place where Salla is now, was a settlement since the Celtic period, but its true development and flourishing began with the 1st century, when the Roman legions established their camp here.

In 124, Emperor Hadrian granted the town the status of a town called Municipium Aelium Salla. After that, the settlement showed a changing picture, it was remodeled and expanded several times.
One of the significant stations of the Hungarian section of the Roman road defined in the ISTER project is Salla. Located at the intersection of the river Zala and the Amber Road in Zala County, the history of the Zala County section of the Amber Road dates back to pre-Roman times and is still used as a road of international importance, although its significance varied in Roman times. Salla is a typical example of a settlement whose importance has been determined primarily by the trade routes. Salla was thus connected to the network of the Pannonian road by two important roads: the Amber Road and the road running in the Zala Valley.

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Remains of plant ornamentation have been found, and some stucco fragments as decoration of the building. No traces of luxury were found during the excavations that characterized the villas of the wealthier landowners, such as the mosaic floor of Villa Romana Baláca. A lot of pottery fragments were found in some of the rooms, while in the rest only poor ceramic finds were found.

Although the sources and evidence highlight the fact that Salla was abandoned by the Romanian population somewhere in the 4th century, the traces of their presence there are well represented today.

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One of the significant stations of the Hungarian section of the Roman road defined in the ISTER project is Salla. Located at the intersection of the river Zala and the Amber Road in Zala County, the history of the Zala County section of the Amber Road dates back to pre-Roman times and is still used as a road of international importance, although its significance varied in Roman times. Salla is a typical example of a settlement whose importance has been determined primarily by the trade routes. Salla was thus connected to the network of the Pannonian road by two important roads: the Amber Road and the road running in the Zala Valley.

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