You can now find and download the ISTER Common Benchmarking Toolkit directly from our website!
This toolkit may be of interest to you if you are a public authority, policy maker or any other urban actor interested in the protection, valorization, management and sustainable use of the Cultural Heritage and more specifically of the Cultural Routes.
It will take you from understanding if and to what extent your cultural route meets a set of criteria for fulfilling its potential in different stages, through an in-depth understanding of the eligibility criteria that have to be met in order to receive the “Cultural Route of the Council of Europe certification”, straightforward to the importance, criteria to be met, policy guidelines, practical methods and best practices applicable for five priority fields of action set by the European Council:
- Cooperation in research and development
- Enhancement of memory, history and European heritage
- Cultural and educational exchanges for young Europeans
- Contemporary cultural and artistic practice
- Cultural tourism and sustainable cultural development
At the end you will find a set of recommendations specific for each country part of ISTER project which are based on the results and findings of the first round of capacity building workshops in relation with the documentation made for each field of action.