ProGIreg focuses on developing and testing new Nature Based
Solution (NBS)-oriented economies shared between public
authorities, civil societies and industry / SMEs. Leveraging on the
potential of Green Infrastructure (GI) as a driver for the creation of
new ecosystems in cities, proGIreg demonstrates the integration of
a number of 8 NBS into business models which will be economically
self-sustaining, and which will provide multiple benefits for the
economic, ecological and social regeneration of deprived urban
areas suffering from the consequences of de-industrialization. The
NBS will be tested within Living Labs in 4 Front-Runner Cities (FRC),
while another 4 Follower Cities (FC) will be supported to develop
their strategies for embedding nature-based innovation at local
level, though participatory processes

Funding: Horizon 2020 | H2020-SCC-NBS-2stage-2017
Lead Applicant: RWTH Aachen
Duration: 60 months (June 2018 – May 2023)
SPIRE focuses on sustainable land use and nature based solutions. It is the only such project financed in the Eastern European region, and leverages on local assets and knowledge coming from our very strong national partners.
The project proposes a revolutionary approach to adaptive phytoremediation and ecosystem creation on urban Heavy Metal-polluted land, as a strategy for long-term (2050) land use management and economic re-profiling. It leverages on the potential for cascading value chains presented by the bio-based material flows, and supports its translation into new economies and social entrepreneurship through a system of incentivization via a local token value system creating a circular environmental bonification system. The approach brings radical and innovative improvements to the burdensome way in which cities are currently forced to deal with the complex negative externalities of brownfields.

Funding : Urban Innovative Actions (4th Call UIA Iniatives)
Duration: 36 months (09.2019 – 08.2022)
This booklet is dedicated to the implementation results achieved in all 7 Role Model Cities. The booklet gives an overview on the achievements obtained at local level through ROCK project, explaining where and how did ROCK approach step in and facilitated the upgrading process of different practices already in place. The journey through the specific actions of each city highlights both soft and technological tools that have been used to support the transformation of historic city centres and sites. Finally, a dedicated section is focused on how the ROCK role model cities faced coronavirus, capturing a short overview of the immediate impacts of the pandemic on the ROCK implementation process and the management of the crisis.

Funding: Horizon 2020 | H2020-SC5-2016-2017
Lead Applicant: Comune di Bologna
Duration: 36 months