Title: Boosting Social Innovation
Acronym: BoostINNO
Funding: URBACT III | Action Planning Networks
Lead Applicant: City Hall of Gdansk (POLAND)
Project partner: Municipality Baia Mare (URBASOFIA subcontractor)
Duration: 32 month
BoostINNO aims to strengthen city social innovation eco-systems, by developing deeper relations and organising the results of the exchange of information and knowledge for the sustainable management and development of cities. The ten cities of the network established an initial group of 4 themes, which will be addressed throughout the project:
- cities and citizens,
- governance and policymaking,
- spaces,
- financial and social impact.
The city of Baia Mare chosen “cities and citizens” as their main theme for developing their Integrated Local Action Plan which will pursue the definition of concrete strategy, actions and projects together in relation to their implementation capabilities and synergies, with other on-going initiatives, on the following components:
- Entrepreneurship for young people, creative industries, temporary recovery and re-use of the city’s resources, for innovative social and economic purposes.
- History, heritage and traditions: supporting urban regeneration, by creating a tool to support innovative cultural initiatives;
- Educational reform and recalibration of the entrepreneurial education offer.