Urbasofia together with UHS Pro Business organised an event (26th of June 2017 in Bucharest) called “Bottom-up Urban requalification” Bucharest and Palermo: Comparing two realities. The main thematic of the event was concerned about how the influences of the history have changed the way to live in these two cities and the common spaces today. The discussion topics were the following:
- How our cities were affected by history;
- Requalification of public space: first step in order to create a more liveability environment;
- Historical market of Ballarò, where local and foreign people work together;
- Young Placemakers Initiative: a project designed to revitalize four public spaces through creative interventions;
The topics mentioned above were presented by Costin Lianu, General Director USH Pro Business, Martina Costa, graduated in Political Science at Palermo University (Italy), she is doing a traineeship at Ush Pro Business, Sabina Dimitriu, Urban and Regional Planner, she is focused on development strategies at city and metropolitan area levels at Urbasofia, Emilia Maria Duda, architecture and Associate Professor at Spiru Haret University Bucharest, Faculty of Architecture and by Fausto Melluso, member of SoS Ballarò – Palermo.