Title: Strengthening Capatities to Enhance Territorial Attractiveness of the Danube Region
Funding: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme, PA4. Well governed Danube region
Lead Applicant: Geodetic Institute of Slovenia
Duration: 30 months
Website: Attractive Danube Website


ATTRACTIVE DANUBE aims at strengthening multi-level and transnational governance and institutional capacities of policy planners involved in territorial development by establishing a permanent common transnational platform for monitoring territorial attractiveness (TAMP – Territorial Attractiveness Monitoring Platform). Through good governance, Danube region’s policies can create conditions for maximising the potentials of territorial assets and capitals for development, thus increasing the attractiveness of territories for its residents, visitors and businesses.

The main project objective is to strengthen multilevel and transnational governance and institutional capacities of policy planners involved in territorial development of the Danube Region, which will result in more harmonised governance system of the area.

This will be achieved by firstly establishing a permanent common transnational platform for monitoring territorial attractiveness (CO-TAMP), 11 national platforms (TAMP), and Territorial attractiveness atlas. Secondly, we will implement an intensive capacity building programme for empowering multilevel public authorities and civil society in 11 countries related to development planning resulting in enhanced skills and knowledge. Finally, the policy integration process, including transnational workshops, policy recommendations and memorandum of understanding, will capitalise the results and assure the long-term impact and leverage effect in the society.
URBASOFIA is the leader for the Capacity Building workpackage (enhancing institutional capacity of policy planners and other target groups on territorial development planning), aiming to support good governance in the Danube region based on integrative planning and the use of territorial attractiveness platform in support of informed-decision making processes, as well as capacity building activities. Activities we will conduct focus on developing:

  • A handbook on guiding the target groups on how to use and interpret the territorial attractiveness data and indicators to better plan future development in the Danube region and respond to societal challenges in the region will be prepared. The handbook will be tailored to project target groups.
  • Capacity building workshops organised in the Danube region for the selected target groups. They will be implemented in all partner countries, as well as in other areas of the programme, facilitated by the stakeholder networks of ATTRACT-SEE, as well as of partner organisations.