Source of image: https://circulareconomy.europa.eu/platform/en/news-and-events
URBASOFIA plans to present ISTER project and disseminate some partial results achieved so far in the following important events: European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek), 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress and ISOCARP International Regional Event #1 @REAL CORP 2021.
The European Week of Regions and Cities (#EURegionsWeek) is the biggest annual Brussels-based event dedicated to cohesion policy and ISTER will have the opportunity to be presented to a wider audience during a dedicated session, together with two other related initiatives!
In what concerns the 57th ISOCARP World Planning Congress: “Planning Unlocked: New Times, Better Places, Stronger Communities” which will be held in Doha, Qatar on 8-11th of November this year, the main idea associated with the event is to “unlock our minds and provide planning advocates and practitioners a fresh, new start”. The Congress contain 5 tracks as main themes: Inclusiveness and empowerment, Well-being and health, Smartness and development, Resilience and adaptability and Uniqueness and connectivity.
One topic of interest for ISTER project is “Uniqueness and connectivity” being oriented on “ integrating heritage and innovation, harnessing the potential of unique green and blue ecosystems rather than damaging them, connecting people and places across gender, social status and cultural practices, and making spaces for people first and foremost”. The other topics are not excluded since the project also tackles aspects like: adopting multi-layered governance chain, capacity building and advanced tools and technologies using.
Last but not least, the first of IREs (ISOCARP International Regional Events) experiences will take place in Vienna from 7th to 10 th of September in physical format. The general topic in which IRE places itself, under the umbrella of CORP 2021 is: “CREATING HABITATS FOR THE 3RD MILLENNIUM”, with one topic for the call linked to Culture and Cultural Heritage (C&CH).
Find more information about these events at the links below. More details will follow! Stay close!