Release of ROCK Regulatory framework report, contribution from URBASOFIA

The Regulatory Framework, Rock Procurement and Policy Recommendations has been released and it can be consulted on ROCK website, at the following link:

The ROCK regulatory framework has been envisaged as an assemblage of key policy recommendations empowering Cultural Heritage (CH) as a driver for sustainable and smart growth. Its development is an attempt to better shape implementation frameworks, targeting decision and policy makers from all administrative levels. The challenge was to embrace the multifaceted nature of CH valorisation, which is inherent to cultural heritage-led urban development and regeneration and the ROCK circle model, focusing on four key supportive policies – culture, urban policies and space provision, economic frameworks and taxation settings, and environmental protection – plus a number of crosscutting issues concerning public procurement and emerging monetary and non-monetary support tools.

URBASOFIA has contributed to the preparation of the ROCK regulatory framework, especially in relation to the topic of urban policies and space provision. Special attention is provided to the urban dimension and how rules can encourage or hinder the sustainable and smart valorisation of Cultural Heritage.

An overall look at that resulting 5 overarching challenges to overcome for an effective and sustainable cultural heritage valorisation in cities:

  • GOVERNANCE – Challenging international, local and multilevel governance frameworks.
  • PROTECTION RULES – Somewhat rigidity of rules for protection.
  • CAPACITIES – Lacks in skills, capacities and resources as well as enforcement power.
  • SIDE-EFFECTS – Missing rules, measures and data to avoid undesired side-effects.
  • FRAGMENTATION – Fragmented frameworks for professional cross-sectoral cooperation.

Finally, the document proposes 11 cross-policy recommendations for consideration by policy makers and in the course of the implementation of cultural heritage valorisation projects.

  • DECENTRALISATION – Ensure multilevel governance platforms on local level.
  • EQUILIBRIUM – Generate a balance of regulations and flexibility.
  • ACCESSIBILITY – Guarantee shared cultural heritage and fair use of public space
  • INTEGRATIVE APPROACHES – Regulations to reconcile needs from both residents and visitors
  • TRANSVERSALITY – Support cooperation between cultural heritage and other sectors
  • EVIDENCE – Ensure appropriate impact assessments in cultural heritage valorisation projects
  • PARTICIPATION – Guarantee cultural and civic rights in regulations
  • FINANCE – Address the systemic underfinancing of cultural heritage
  • LEVERAGE – Apply new public procurement instruments
  • TRAINING – Understand that specific skills and qualifications are required

INTERNATIONAL – Address the international and European dimension of CH valorisation.

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