February 2020
In 2020, CRISALIDE project partners will focus their efforts on delivering the prototype of the IDMT, an Innovative Decision-Making Tool, aimed at facilitating not only interdepartmental and inter-institutional cooperation, but also the participatory planning process in relation to urban development. The Intelligent Decision-Making Support System for City Environment Management is developed by SPIIRAS Hi-Tech Research and Development Office Ltd., located in St. Petersburg, Russia. The tool includes four main functionalities, such as: 1. Integrated territory development2. Spatial redevelopment3. Assessment of availability of services on the territory under development4. Distribution of new services on the territory under developmentStay tuned for more details about this new tool! By the end of 2020, a replication guide will be available for those interested in testing and adopting this type of product.https://www.crisalide.international/#crisalideproject#innovativedecisionmakingtool#spatialplanning#evidencebased#urbandevelopment

June 2020
URBASOFIA is going full speed in conducting the replicability study of the Innovative Decision-Making Tool (IDMT). One of the objectives of the CRISALIDE project is that once the IDMT instrument is developed, awareness should be raising, and the tool could easily cross the borders of the pilot city (Rostov-on-Don, Russia) and be transferred to other urban contexts. Therefore, URBASOFIA is providing know-how on scoping the possibility of replication in other territorial contexts, through a guide that addresses the principles of replication and adaptation. This replication guide goes beyond the technical perspective and provides also insights into the process that lays behind its development and piloting, discussing how to operate with the IDMT platform.Stay tuned to find out what does the replication process entail!https://www.crisalide.international/#crisalideproject#innovativedecisionmakingtool#spatialplanning#evidencebased#urbandevelopmentSource of images: SPIIRAS Hi-Tech Research and Development Office Ltd, St. Petersburg, , Russia
September 2020
On the 16th of September, URBASOFIA participated at the REAL CORP – International Conference on Urban Planning and Regional Development in the Information Society, entitled SHAPING URBAN CHANGE: LIVABLE CITY REGIONS FOR THE 21st CENTURY, with a presentation on the Decision Support System Design as a Method to Enhance Public Participation in Urban Development: The CRISALIDE Project. The presentation was focused on the implementation process of the CRISALIDE project, starting from the initial phase of developing and testing a methodology for effectively and efficiently running a participatory planning process capable of grasping the local territorial demand coming from citizens and stakeholders in the pilot city of Rostov-on-Don. The presentation also touched upon the subject of the development of a smart platform, driven by intelligent GIS technology, aimed at shaping the local decisional environment towards smart design and land use planning.https://www.crisalide.international/#crisalideproject#innovativedecisionmakingtool#spatialplanning#evidencebased#urbandevelopment#REALCORP#conference#shapingurbanchange
November 2020
On the 17th of November 2020, CRISALIDE partners URBASOFIA & URBAN INCD INCERC have organised a Virtual workshop on the Innovative Decision-Making Tool and its Replication Modalities. The meeting was organized as a Focus Group and it was part of the last phase of CRISALIDE project as a capitalization event of the project results. The discussions were focused on the Innovative Decision-Making Tool (IDMT) developed by project partners and the modalities of this model’s replication. The purpose of the virtual workshop was to bring together specialists from various fields, such as public administration, IT, geodesy, geography, urbanism, holding expertise in developing and implementing decision-making tools in territorial planning activities at national or local levels.Among the focus group conclusions, participants agreed that a tool such as the IDMT is crucial for a successful management of territories and in monitoring strategies, through its GIS component and the related database; is integrating, in a flexible way, different information from different departments and is putting together different stakeholders and last, but not least, it can overcome barriers of communication between the main institutions, urban stakeholders and the local government of the city, encouraging a democratic participation and governance.Stay tuned for finding out more about the IDMT prototype!https://www.crisalide.international/#crisalideproject#innovativedecisionmakingtool#spatialplanning#evidencebased#urbandevelopment#capitalisationevent#focusgroupSource of images: Southern Urban Planning Centre, Rostov-on-Don, Russia