The following guide presents, in a structured and easy to follow manner, the complex process behind defining the multi-layered stakeholder groups in the pilot countries of the Interreg Danube Transnational Program project ISTER:  ConnectIng hiSTorical Danube rEgions Roman routes.

The reader will have the chance to learn more about the process of identifying and mapping the interested parties from a wide range of thematic fields and geographical areas, gathered within the project under the concept of multi-layered stakeholder groups – entities with different expertize and horizontal/vertical powers, whose knowledge and influence at local/regional/national level represents valuable assets in understanding and framing strategic tools for further protecting and valorizing the (Roman) Cultural Heritage.

The approach presented in the Practical Guide for Stakeholders Mapping has supported ISTER partners in their attempt to better understand the interests and level of influence of stakeholders, and also regarding what strategic linkages are or can be formed between them in order to achieve the best results.

The ultimate goal of the guide is to translate the whole process of stakeholders mapping into an easy-to-follow, step by step manual for future uses in both mapping potential actors at local and regional level, building territorial partners capacities and setting up working groups to support each stage of any project implementation process.

To see the document click on the image below. For a better experience select the two page view option.

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